Bowling, Bacon Burgers, Board Games, Banana Splits…

alphabet date, letter b, moments for the journey,

Happy February everyone! I hope you all had a wonderful January; I know I did. Lyle and I ended up completing 2 alphabet dates in January. I’ve already shared our letter A date, so I wanted to share our letter B date with you!

This past Monday Lyle and I decided to go on a fun date, since it was the only night we had this week to hang out. As we discussed what to do that night, we decided it was the perfect opportunity for our letter B date!

bowling, moments for the journey, alphabet date, letter b

We chose bowling as our activity. Now I know what you’re thinking, “how generic and uncreative,” but I LOVE bowling. Don’t get me wrong I aren’t big bowlers. In fact we rarely bowling, but it is not for my lack of asking to go bowling. I really have no idea why I enjoy bowling so much because I suck at it, but I love it none-the-less.

Check out the proof of just how bad I am at bowling:

bowling, moments for the journey, letter b, alphabet date

bowling, moments for the journey, letter b, alphabet date

bowling, moments for the journey, letter b, alphabet date

After our record-breaking game of bowling, we decided to walk across the street and eat some bacon burgers at Five Guys Burgers and Fries. I must say that Five Guys is amazing. Yes, they have great burgers, but my true appreciation for them is their fries. Any restaurant that offers malt vinegar for their fries immediately wins my heart.

five guys, burger, letter b, alphabet date, moments for the journey

As we left Five Guys stuffed of burgers and fries we headed home, but we weren’t ready for our date night to be over. So we decided to stop by the grocery store and pick up everything we needed to make banana splits. We bought ice cream, chocolate syrup, bananas, strawberries, cherries, pineapple chunks, and whip cream. However, when we got home we were still too full to eat a banana split, so we played some board games on the iPad to pass the time.

ticket to ride, ipad, letter b, alphabet date, moments for the journey

We played a couple of rounds of Ticket to Ride – Lyle won the first round and I won the second round. Then we played Monopoly Millionaire, which Lyle won (but not by much). We were then ready for the banana split (yum)!

banana split, ice cream, letter b, alphabet date, moments for the journey

So there you have it. We had a wonderful time on our letter B date! Every part of the evening was great – the bowling, the bacon burgers, the board games, and the banana split.

What would you do for a letter B date?

7 thoughts on “Bowling, Bacon Burgers, Board Games, Banana Splits…

  1. Looks like an awesome date. I am terrible at bowling but my husband and I always enjoy ourselves when we do it. For a B date I would totally have loved the beach especially since its so cold outside right now. Can you tell I am wishing for warmer weather.

  2. Oh my gosh, I LOVE Five Guys! We had them in my college town (of course!) and their fries are amazing. When I moved to California, it wasn’t until our last few months there that we realized there was a Five Guys about an hour away from us! And that is totally worth the trip! So, every Monday night became Five Guys night and we would trek down to Carson City for the good eats and sometimes a movie! 🙂

    1. That’s awesome! Five Guys is worth the drive 🙂 Luckily, this one is only 10 minutes from our house. In college my friends and I would have “international nights” where we would try different ethnic foods each week!

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